Its Inauguration Day!

Wow as I sit and watch the prelude to the inauguration, I am amazed at how many people want to be a part of this historic day.   Like many, I am excited by the fact that we get to witness a historic first for our country, as a person of […]

Please Pray

There is a Baby associated with a family in our church that was premature, and is having considerable trouble getting strong enough for a needed surgery. Please pray for little Alicia. Thanks

A Good Friend!

This week I found out that a good friend of mine from Oh where we used to pastor passed away, after having a stroke.  She and her husband were much older than Tori and I, but they were the kind of people that were easy to love.  They always made […]

More Snow!

It’s Tuesday morning and as I sometimes do I am studying at the coffee shop where Jayla Goes to preschool after Dropping her off.  The Snow is still coming down outside and I decided it is not worth it to drive back to the office before having to come and […]

New Links Added

I just added a bunch of my favorite sites to the blogroll section.  I use these sites extensively and have found them very helpful.  As the list grows I will categorize them by topic but for now here they are.